Belgacom Mimi's

Belgacom | VVL BBDO

The world of the mi-mi's.


When our sister-company, VVL BBDO approached us with a plan to create a virtual tamagochi, we jumped at the opportunity.

The Mi-Mi

I built the low-poly male & female 3D models from the provided concept art and created a modular texture-system.

The complicated social network required the creation of 7 continents (urban, desert, island, waterworld, polar, jungle and tech), 3D animated models for male & female “mi-mi’s” and a metric shit-ton of different costumes and customizations.

The continents

The continents and world were drawn digitally inside Photoshop.


I used 3dsmax to create low-poly models, and loaded each “mi-mi” into Papervision 3D as md2 files to enable real-time character animations inside the Flash Player.

The continents and world were drawn digitally inside Photoshop.